Geek Vape Feather Cotton Agleted Vape Wick Pouch of 20 Pieces


Geek Vape | Feather Cotton | Agleted Vape Wick | Pouch of 20 Pieces


Organic cotton wick from Geek Vape. Comes with handy aglets that help you pull your cotton through your coils and reduce wasteage.


  • Length: 110mm
  • Internal Diameter (Cotton): 3mm
  • Aglet Diameter: 2.5mm
  • Aglet Length: 15mm

How to Use:

  • Insert cotton through the center of the coil
  • Trim off excess cotton on both sides accordingly
  • Repeat step 1 and 2 for any additional coils
  • Wick and adjust the cotton ends in your wicking holes

Comes in a pouch of 20 pieces

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